Today I added Linux to Starcom: Nexus’ Steam page listing. It has been played by several dozen players with a variety of different Linux distros and seems pretty stable. If you are a new Linux player, welcome and thanks for supporting the game! Please report any issues in the Linux thread on Steam.
Last week I announced a survey and email sign-up for anyone who might be interested in a possible sequel to Starcom: Nexus. If that’s something that sounds interesting to you, please give me your thoughts.
Things I’ve done in the past week:
- Continue to work on my post-mortem notes
- Started getting up to speed on some of the latest updates to the Unity Engine like their new Entity-Component-Systems architecture
- Misc. bug fixes for a 1.0.11 patch
- Localization work
Until next week! In the meantime you can find me on Twitter, Discord or the game’s Steam Forums.