As the player explores the universe of Starcom: Nexus, they will become more powerful, able to tackle greater threats and dispatch earlier enemies more easily. The game features two progression mechanics, both of which gradually transform your ship from a simple shuttle to a might battlecruiser. The first mechanic is expanding their ship with modules constructed from resources. The second, which I’ll describe in this post, is via technologies.
Technologies are like skills in traditional RPGs. They are unlocked with Research Points, which the player earns through exploration. Each technology is a part of branch: unlocking one technology may open additional technologies for research. For example, Plasma Weaponry II allows the player to construct more powerful Plasma Cannons, and also unlocks techs for extending their fire range or giving them “punch-through” effects.
There are currently about 45 different technologies already in the game, with another 60+ expected to be added before launch.